The Spirit of CC in the Tetons
Ben Curry ‘25
“Block break is one of the defining characteristics of Colorado College. The blissful four and a half days without class just beg to be filled with adventures. However, by week three of my first block, I still hadn’t planned my first block break. It was only on the way home from a mountain bike race, chatting in the car with someone that I had just met, that I got the invite to join a backpacking trip in the Grand Tetons. It was a perfect change of circumstances, someone had dropped from their group, and the permit had an empty slot. Three days later I was sitting in a car, packed to the brim with backpacks and gear, squashed into a third-row seat for the 11-hour drive to the Tetons. The drive alone led to so many funny conversations and memorable moments. Many near-deer collisions and moments of reckless driving allowed me to get to know the peers I was in the car with.
We arrived at the Tetons at three in the morning, waking up at six to claim our permits and hit the trail. However, any sleep deprivation was overridden by my shock at the beauty of the mountains. As we hit the trail every twist and turn allowed light to pass through another angle in the rocks, and the paintbrush divide loop that we embarked on for our three nights of camping only got more beautiful with each step. A tight bond was formed with my co-years through bear encounters, long hike days, and experiences that will remain on the trail. Now five blocks later I know that I will always have a unique bond with the individuals I got to share this trip with. This was the best introductory experience I could have asked for at CC.”
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September 2021 - Land of the Shoshone-Bannock People
September 2021 - Land of the Shoshone-Bannock People
September 2021 - Land of the Shoshone-Bannock People
September 2021 - Land of the Shoshone-Bannock People
September 2021 - Land of the Shoshone-Bannock People
September 2021 - Land of the Shoshone-Bannock People
September 2021 - Land of the Shoshone-Bannock People
September 2021 - Land of the Shoshone-Bannock People
September 2021 - Land of the Shoshone-Bannock People