A Love Letter to Argentina

Frances Thyer ‘23

Studying abroad was meaningful to me in many ways – I was able to appreciate new places, meet different people, and reconnect with many of the things I love to do. Argentina was a particularly lovely place to do all of these things; every region felt completely unique, and I wanted a way to catalogue all of these new places. The film photography I bring back from this time abroad allows for me to present what at the time felt like very visceral experiences. For me, photography and visual art come together as a way to connect the things I see with the way they make me feel; the sense of quiet of at the top of a mountain, the color and complexity of loud neighborhoods, the energy of people at a live drum show. I hope that my watercolors and film can shed light on my experience in such a wonderful place.  

Most of the film photography was shot in 35mm on an antique point and shoot, with some shot using friends’ film cameras.

Images were taken on the indigenous lands of the Wallmapu (Mapuche), Günün a atük (Günün a küna), Huarpe, Tekohá (Guarani, Ñandeva–Avá Guaraní), Mbya, and Aónikenk (Tehuelche) Peoples. 


Spotlight - Max Montague